Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lucky Girl

I a beginning to realize what a lucky girl I am with regards to pregnancy, labor and delivery, recovery, and the sweet little boy I have. Pregnancy was in no way enjoyable. I loved feeling Emmett kick but other than that did not like it. I was nauseous the whole time but that I was healthy and Emmett was healthy and I am so grateful for that!! My labor and delivery was non complicated and one of the most amazing and enjoyable experiences of my life. I was only in labor for 7 1/2 hours, I pushed for 1 hour and 15 minutes and that was only because we were waiting for the doctor to show up :). Once the doctor was there I pushed twice and Emmett was out. Emmett was completely healthy. At his first two appointments he has only gained weight and has been growing so fast. He figured out breastfeeding right away, and I have not had any problems with breastfeeding like soreness, mastitis, etc. My milk came in right away, I recovered quickly with no problems there. Emmett has been healthy for the past two months, just one little cold (knock on wood :)) He is a happy little guy and sleeps really well at night (overall I get about 8 hours of sleep with his 2 feedings :) ) I am so grateful for all of this!!

1 comment:

Ali and Andrew Hyde said...

I feel the exact same way, except for I liked being pregnant, but seriously how blessed are we! I am so glad you are happy! Lets get together again soon! Emmett is SO dang cute! You think he talks a lot now, just wait it gets better and better... ; )