Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where has the new year gone?

Everyone please forgive me that I have long periods of time between posts as my schedule does not allow for much leasuire time these days.  I cannot believe it is almost the middle of February!  That means I only have 7 more weeks to complete my Masters project and turn it over for edits if I want to graduate in May.  Just thinking about it is making me anxious!  It will all be worth it in the end, right?  My days consits of leaving before the rest of my famliy wakes up and then getting home at dinner.  I am glad I get to spend 2 or 3 hours with Em before he goes to sleep but then it is back to homework, writting my report, and reading scientific papers.  Trust me, you can take any subject and instanly make it boring by putting it in scientific journal format.  This semester has been interesting.  I changed my Masters from Geology (a thesis reguired and due to late and early snow I could not get field work done) to Applied Enviornmental Geoscience (a project reguired as well as 9 extra class credits).  I had to take classes outside the Geology department which made me really nervous but I am survivng and things are coming along.  From my Remote Sensing class I have been learning all about the physics of radiation and it makes me wish I went to school to become a meterologist like I had originially planned.  There are lots of things I would like to go back to school and do (pastery school, dietician, meterology, chemist) too bad school isn't free or maybe I would take a class or two at a time and be an eternal student!  My other class is Restoration Ecology which has not been as exciting as Remoste Sensing but hey it is a means unto an end.  Just wish me luck that I can keep up this crazy schedule!!  One fun thing I am able to do right now is Irish Step dancing!  I am SO happy I can do it again.  When I was in 8th and 9th grade and we lived in Germany I started dancing.  I basically ate, slept, and breathed dance and then we moved to South Dakota and it was only sadness.  That was the hardest part about moving, no more Irish Step dancing :(.  But a certified dance school opened up last yearish and there is a free preforming group that I get to be a part of!!  If I could I would be at the dance studio all day instead of school.  Kids can start taking Irish Dance classes when they turn three and I already plan on signing Emmett up :).  Gerg has been a busy stay at home dad.  I don't know what I would do without him, he certainly keeps our family going!  He has enjoyed spending so much time with Emmett and Cyris but both of us will be greatful when our roles can be reversed and he can go to work and I can stay home with my babies.  I hope that role reversl can happen sooner rather then later, the stress of not having a job just might kill me.

1 comment:

Artinger said...

Oh dear Sweet Heidi,
Have I told you lately how much I love you? I just read your last 2 posts. You have made your Mom & Dad proud and me too! (yes I know, we aren't supposed to have pride!) BUT, you are awesome and I just want you to know that I love you and admire all that you are doing. Hang in there and as soon as you graduate, COME TO RENO!!! Hey, there is an idea. Maybe Greg can find a job here :-) Be Happy. Aunt Kim