Monday, December 6, 2010

I got my hair cut. I have been wanting to do it for a while but just finally got b rave enough. I am still getting use to it...I miss my hair but it is okay, hair grows back.

I left the room to grab something and when I came back this is what I found.
naughty boys lol!
Emmy falls asleep in the funniest positions

He got all dressed up for hid friend Hadleigh's blessing!
My boys! Cyris got a face lick in before we could stop him, crazy dog!

6 weeks old!

He is sporting some major old man hair lol!
Last sunday I was downstairs with the baby and Greg sent Cyris in when he left fo meetings. Cyris never came downstairs and this is why, he was eating this pumpkin pie! He ate half of it and only stopped because Greg came back due to yucky roads.


Laura said...

Cute hair! And cute baby, too. :)

A. Pearce said...

Emmet's getting so big and chubby! How cute!