Monday, September 6, 2010

in around six weeks our dog becomes last years model

this is how precious the little guy is. he is shaggy and snuggly and a little obnoxious at times. his only problem is that it about six weeks there will be a baby taking up some of his attention and play time. but until then he is all we have so for the next six weeks we will share how great of a dog he really is. After that let the baby stuff begin. Until then long live Cyris, king of the house master of our domain.
When he was smaller he forgot to slow down before he slid on the kitchen floor and hit the door.

his newest trick is to bury toys in the couch for storage, not to mention he can actually hide behind the cushion very well and if you don't know where to look you can't find him.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I think it is really funny how greg has come to love the dog. I looked at the pic greg posted when cyrus was a puppy and he would just touch him with a finger. Now they are best buds sleeping together. This is from scott. The room looks good.