Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our Underwater adventure

Yesterday we went to the Living Planet Aquarium with our friends Tom and Melissa Chopan and Katie and Hans Anderson.  I was so fun to see them after a very long year!  Poor Emmett was such a good baby even though he had only had a 30 minute nap and was awake from 6:30am till 5 pm.  We had so much fun.  The Arapaima was mine and Greg's favorite followed closely by the penguins and the jelly fish.  Getting to touch the rays and starfish and horseshoe crabs was really awesome too!  

 Emmett and Daddy trying to pose with the arapaima but the darn sucker fish got in the way!
This is the arapaima,  one of the monsters of the Amazon River.  If you have never watch River Monsters with Jeremy Wade on Animal Planet you should! 
 Hanging out in the Utah waters room.  The brine shrimp were really cool but the 6 inch water bugs were disgusting!
 Emmett and the Lion fish.  He had fun watching the fish swim around and trying to grab them.
 Mommy and Baby screaming next to the shark tank.  If I ever saw a shark when swimming around I would just die!! 

After the aquarium we went to hang with Heather and Scott and got roped in to running the Ragnar next summer.  Wish us luck!

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