Thursday, January 20, 2011


Poor Cyris was tortured today. He had to get a haircut and a bath!! Usually we take him to the groomer but it costs money and they never do what we ask so this was his first home hair cut. This a a picture of before, he is supper shaggy and no longer white

Here is the after picture, all white and soft and fuzzy! Greg did the hair cut and for having no idea what he was doing it looks pretty good!
Our little baby is 3 months old!! How did that happen, how does time go by so quickly? Here is a picture of him and one week old when he weighed just over 7 lbs
and here he is at 3 months. He is getting to be a little chunk!
He now weighs 14 lbs (63rd percentile) and is 23.75 inches (40th percentile)! We love this little guys so much! This past week and a half he has done the most amazing thing, he only wakes up once at night!!! I thought this day would never come. Before he would wake up 4-6 times, 2-3 times between 2 and 3 am and 2-3 times between 5 and 7 am. I am so glad we bought a sound machine, it has made a world of difference!

Greg and I are enjoying being together all the time. We both have really laid back schedules this semester. I only have to go to teach labs on Monday and Tuesdays until March 1st when my two classes start and Greg decided Graduate school just wasn't for him so he is working on spiffing up his resume and applying for jobs. I am really excited and nervous to begin this new phase of our lives. I am nervous because of everything says how hard it is to find a job and just the whole how do you actually go about applying for one, etc. I know that the Lord is with us though and will guide us to where we need to be. Who knows what will happen this year and where we will end up, it is pretty exciting!


Katie said...

Was it complicated to get out of grad school? I've been wondering if it's for me too...

Katie said...

Or at any rate, Geology grad school. What I really wanted to do was library science lol.

Anonymous said...

Heidi! I found your blog through April's (I hope you don't mind). If you want to see ours just let me know your email and we'll invite you :). Mine is I can't believe he is 3 months old already!

Heather said...

Cyris looks like a new dog! Greg did well... he should be a barber! jk! Emmett is sooo cute! You are blessed with great milk!