Thursday, November 4, 2010

2 Weeks Old

2 weeks old!

After his bath, poor little baby was shivering so bad!

As of yesterday Emmett is two weeks old!! The good news is we are all still alive, a little sleepy and wondering when we will get in a routine/normality in our lives but happy and healthy! Emmett has been such a good baby. We have had our rough days and night but overall we he is a good baby. He isn't the best napper during the day but sleeps really well from about 7 pm to 2 am and then has some rough spots from 2 am until I decided to finally call it the start of the day (between 7 and 8 am). He just wants to eat more often then and doesn't want to go to sleep on his own. I was trying so hard to get him on a routine where he ate every 3 hours and didn't sleep right after I fed him. I was trying to follow the baby whispere but Emmett really just has a mind of his own and trying to make him do things just made him really mad so we stopped that. The doctor says not to worry about getting him a schedule and feed him when he is hungry. We have been a much happier family since we started doing that. Sure it is a little frustrating not knowing exactly our routine everyday but he generally follows the same pattern so it is okay. At his appt. today he weighted 7 lbs 13.5 oz and is 20.75 inches long. I can't believe he is getting so big!! Guess I don't have to worry about his eating :)

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