Friday, July 16, 2010

Pearce going ons

Another picturelss post, I am sorry! Lets see what have we been up to.... Well Greg has been working on campus with the irrigation crew so he is at work from 6:30 until 4:00. Not the most excitingjob but it brings home the mula! He got a dollar raise yesterday so that is exciting :). Greg is such a hard worker. I spend most of my day pretty bored. I work like 20 hours a month a Levens but on the days I don't have a shift I just sit around and fold laundry and sleep and well mostly sleep. My excuse is that once the baby is here I won't be able to sleep whenever I want so I better do it now. I love sleep. I have always been this way. On breaks from school I usually wake up around 10 do something for like 3 hours then take a 3 or 4 hour nap and go to bed around 10. That is how most of my christmas breaks have been spent. But no more! Soon this little monster will be here and I will be too busy loving him to sleep :). The most exciting part of the day is when Greg gets home from work. Cyris knows when it is time for daddy to be home (yes we are some of those crazy dog people that we are Cryis mom and dad). All I have to say is Cyris, dad is coming home and he perks up and likes to go outside to meet him. Other than sleeping and poopy scooping (3 dogs produce a lot of waste) I have been working on the baby's room. I have washed all his clothes and organized them. I have started decorating and we have purchased the strollar, carseat, and travel crib/bassinet.

Greg has officially been accepted into grad school. YAY Greggy!!! He has a meeting today with his advisor to figure out his class schedule and what he needs to take over the next 2 years etc...Also Greg is waiting to hear back about a job he applied to. It is basically the same thing he is doing now but would include benifits and it is contracted with the school so he would get half tuition! That would mean 3 years instead of 2 to get his masters but he would actually have a job during the school year that wasn't Taco Time or something, he would have insurance and we would be able to put all the money he made into savings to pay off student loans or have a down payment on a house when we graduated!! We should know in the next week! At least he got into grad school so even if he doesn't get the job we will still know what he is going to do.


Katie said...

Hey Heidi! Has my present still not come yet? :( Last week hanging out with you was so much fun! All I've been doing lately is sleeping too, but I don't think I have as good of a reason as you. ;P That will be AWESOME if Greg gets that job, so good luck!

Ali and Andrew Hyde said...

Yay for grad school with a newborn! Ha Ha! Andrew starts his program in August too...

Lane and Nicki said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Remember me! We were good friends for a while and now we never talk! Congratulations on the coming baby!